Kylie Hempy

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How to Grieve, Process & Heal From Pregnancy Loss

Miscarriage Course

This class is for the grieving mom who doesn't know where to turn. I remember that feeling, and this class is filled with the information I wish I would have known when I lost my baby. I'll walk you through evidence-based strategies for every step of the process; grieving your loss, reflecting on the significance of your experience, remembering your baby, and when you're ready, how to carry on, with this as a part of you.

I had a second trimester loss back in 2017 that devastated me. I vividly remember bawling my eyes out in a hospital bed, and thinking; if 1 in 4 women go through this, we have to do better. And I have to help. 

I've now spent the better part of the last decade learning the tools that can help women as they navigate the tremendous grief of losing their baby. That is what this class is; teaching moms the evidence-based tools to process, grieve and move forward from pregnancy loss.

I think what a lot of people don't understand about pregnancy loss is that the minute that you get that positive test, you're dreaming about that baby, who they will make you, and what they will mean for your family. I understand. You need space to mourn those dreams and this baby. 

I'm so sorry you are here, but I'm honored to walk you through this. 

Who Am I & What Is My Story?

Miscarriage Can Break Your



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